Literature Books: Maarten’s Vegetable Garden
Maarten t’ Hart prefers not to read in his yard. But there is something like literature in her garden. It turned out to be a flexible and exciting concept. Garden poetry and novels inside and outside the purely practical gardening manual are all read between the rake and the hoe, as evidenced by the many submissions received at the Marten Gardening Contest.
1. VitaSackvilleWest-In the Garden
Sackville-West worked for 30 years in the garden of Sissinghurst, a pilgrimage site for all garden lovers. She wrote about it for years. Everyone knows their basic rules. I’m not considerate, but I don’t organize too much and make a plan. A classic that is indispensable for bookshelves in the garden.
2. Romke van de Kaa-Outside & The Tamed Wilderness
`Lathyrus latifolius, a perennial lathyrus, misses not only the annual lathyrus scent but also its elegance. This plant is the tragedy of Lathyrus, an unpleasant alternative for those who have trouble sowing real seeds. I don’t even have the ability to climb. L. Latifolias lays awkwardly on the bed and chokes all the plants he finds along the way.
Romke van de Kaa does not need to be introduced among gardeners. His adorable garden works are about expensive plants, unreliable plants, vulgar plants, ungrateful plants, hateful plants, dangerous plants, boring plants, malicious plants, and despised plants. There is a possibility.
3. Sarah Heart-Outdoor Shade and Joyful Garden
` It’s strange to feel somehow excluded from normal garden law. You know from the book that a particular plant is known for its invasiveness, but behind your mind that it will behave much better against you when you buy it There is reasonable conviction: it doesn’t do you in my garden
Sarah Hart wrote the Buitenlust column of NRC Andelsblad between 1992 and 1999. Special consideration about horticulture. History, literature, and hands-on experience merge in an exemplary way. In fact, the term column is inappropriate for what Sarah Hart does. She is practicing garden attachments at the highest level.
4. Margery Fish-Garden We Made
“Walter wasn’t happy with my use later when he got more fertilizer and gave me something. He always said I I accused him of being junk and stingy and didn’t like the way I used it in the flowerbeds. After years of work, the accompanying wilderness became an example of an English cottage garden textbook. This hilarious classic is about construction, and above all about the war that broke out between gardening partners.
5. Michael Pollan-My Second Nature
`Preparing a rose flowerbed is a bit like preparing a house for the arrival of a nasty old lady. Of course, your stay is her visit and I would like to minimize the causes of her complaints to her.
Michael Pollan’s Gardener’s column is now best known as a food guru. In these learned garden memories like Sara Hart, he gently jumps from his garden trails to philosophical considerations about nature, culture, and our place within them.
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Tags: books, gardening, literature